Understanding the differences between active power, reactive power, and apparent power

The different types of power and why they’re important

understanding the real power, reactive power and apparent power in reducing the power factor correction

Active power

true power or real power is the electricity used to power equipment and machinery at an industrial and commercial level

Reactive power

reactive power is the power generated by a capacitor in an AC circuit or the power consumed by a transformer or an AC motor

Apparent power

apparent power combines reactive power and active or real power, and is the product of a circuit's voltage and current

The beer analogy

A high power factor benefits both the user and the utility, while a low power factor indicates poor use of electrical power.

Introducing power factor

Power factor (PF) is the ratio of working power (kW) to apparent power (kVA).

What is power factor correction?

Power factor correction is the process of improving the power factor of an electrical system through the installation of power factor correction equipment. Power factor correction devices help to increase the ratio of active power to apparent power, resulting in the reduction of wasted energy, increased efficiency of the system, and fewer system failures.

Reducing your electricity costs

For businesses with monthly electricity bills of R30 000 or more, Alpha Power Solutions can reduce your monthly electricity costs by between 10% and 25% with customised power factor correction solutions.

We use a power factor formula to calculate the ratio of real power to apparent power by dividing the real power by the apparent power to get a decimal value between 0 and 1. A power factor close to 1 indicates that most of the electrical power supplied to the circuit is being used productively, resulting in a highly efficient system. A power factor below 1 indicates that a portion of the power supplied to an electrical system could be used more effectively by installing power factor correction equipment which generates the reactive power consumed by the system. By optimising the power factor of your installations, we enhance the long-term profitability of your business. You can use our power factor correction calculator to determine your approximate savings.

How we can help you

The power factor correction capacitors installed in our PFC equipment generate the reactive power consumed by your electrical systems. This results in an improvement in the power factor of your electrical supply which, in turn, reduces your electricity costs.

Our case studies

Read about how we saved businesses significant money on their monthly electricity bills, resulting in a huge return on investment:

Contact Alpha Power Solutions today and see how we can significantly reduce your business’ monthly electricity costs.

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