Installing the right Power Factor Equipment

3 case studies proving well designed power factor equipment leads to guaranteed savings

Electrical wastage has companies feeling the increased pressure of trying to decrease operational expenses. Why pay extra for something you don’t utilise in your production process?

Power factor correction equipment enables you to reduce the electrical wastage within your company. You are guaranteed a monthly saving and Return on Investment (ROI) on installed equipment as it decreases your monthly electrical bills by reducing the electrical maximum demand of your operations. There are various case studies where Alpha Power Solutions have helped their customers achieve an ROI. 

Case Studies 

By installing Power Factor (PFC) equipment, our customers have been able to experience immediate power factor improvements and associated savings in electricity costs. Detailed below are some case studies on 3 of our customers:

  • Abattoir in Gauteng
  • Steel Fabrication Plant in Pretoria
  • Mineral Processing Plant in Rustenburg

With PFC equipment, companies can utilise the electricity supplied optimally. Decreasing the amount of electrical wastage results in increased net profit.

Abattoir in Gauteng 

Six years ago, our customer invested in PFC equipment for R395 000. Their total savings on electrical costs, over the minimum life expectancy of their equipment (10 years), sits at over R4 million. They also reached their ROI in under 18 months.

Steel Fabrication Plant 

Another customer invested R235 000 3 years ago and reduced their maximum demand by 59%. Their plant enjoyed an average reduction of R24 000 on their monthly electricity costs. They achieved their ROI in just over ten months.

Mineral Processing Plant 

A further client of ours invested R210 000, reducing their maximum demand by 24%. They achieved their ROI within 14 months (3 years ago) and decreased their monthly electrical costs by an average of R15 000.

Each of the examples above demonstrates that even though these companies may be different, by optimising the electrical usage they have:

  • Reduced their electrical wastage
  • Decreased their electrical costs
  • Achieved the guaranteed return on investment

Additionally, to the three main drivers of investing in power factor equipment, there are other benefits that companies can enjoy.

The benefits of Power Factor Correction  

The more significant your electrical usage, the more significant the reduction in electricity costs, through a PFC intervention. Alpha Power Solutions will provide you with an expert energy audit that will highlight how you can:

  • Increase your system capacity
  • Reduce your voltage drops
  • Reduce your transmission losses
  • Reduce your carbon footprint
  • Reduce your apparent power

All of the above improves your company’s energy efficiency. Reducing your electrical costs is as simple as installing the right equipment. With expert advice on the specific equipment that you need, you will obtain guaranteed savings and achieve the shortest possible ROI

You may not be noticing Electrical Wastage

Noticing electrical wastage is almost impossible. With fluctuations in electricity supply and pricing, you may remain unaware of the issue.

The problem of being unaware is like you filling up a 20l fuel canister with a small hole at the bottom. Only when you notice your fuel bill is for 22l will you realise you’ve wasted 2l of fuel, which costs money. Without fixing the issue, you will continue to pay for more while receiving less.

Electrical wastage within a company works on the same principle.

Do you know what the electrical wastage is in your company? How much are you losing every month?

The only way to know this is by assessing the overall energy usage of your business. There is no excuse for not undergoing a power factor correction assessment. Once we complete the report, our energy auditor can determine the corrective measures needed. This will start you on your path to reducing costs and achieving your guaranteed ROI.

That is because we identify the areas of your company where PF can be improved with power factor correction equipment (which includes a 2-year guarantee when installed by Alpha Power Solutions).

By optimising your energy usage with us, a member of SAEEC (Southern African Energy Efficiency Confederation), you not only save on costs but also have peace of mind.

Our 30 years of experience, combining innovation, technology, and superior quality power factor correction equipment means you can take advantage of your tailor-made solution that makes business sense.

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